It is well documented that Abraham Lincoln, our 16th President, was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. It is a fact that has been passed down from generation to generation through our history books & unlike the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, (by Lee Harvey Oswald) which is muddled in controversy and conspiracy theories, there is no evidence to suggest that someone other than John Wilkes Booth killed President Lincoln on April 14, 1865 at the Ford’s Theatre in Washington D.C. It has been a consistent belief since its occurrence and a fact that has withstood the test of time.

However, if someone were to suggest that John Wilkes Booth did not kill Abraham Lincoln, questions would arise. Questions like, ‘why do you believe that?’, or ‘if he didn’t then who do you believe did?’, and/or ‘what facts can you offer to back up this belief?’

Now what would you think if the answer given for his/her belief went something like this; ‘I just don’t believe that John Wilkes Booth killed Abraham Lincoln. I grew up believing that he didn’t do it, and that’s just how I see it.’ Naturally one would be inclined to ask this individual (if they haven’t asked already or even if just out of curiosity) ‘have you found anything in the history books to support this belief?’, ‘is there another source that you have come across that has made you come to this conclusion? Can you imagine if the answer they gave sounded like this: No, I have never read anything on the matter, I just feel that he didn’t do it. I have the right to my opinion just like you have the right to yours and in my eyes John Wilkes Booth did not do it. He did not kill President Lincoln.

Though this individual would be completely correct in saying that they are entitled to their opinion, most of us would walk away from that conversation shaking our heads confused because no one is entitled to their own facts. We would not be able to grasp how anyone could come to such a conclusion without having any evidence to back up their beliefs. How anyone could just believe it because they grew up hearing it, never bothering to look up the facts for themselves.

Now as unrealistic & absurd as that scenario may seem to most of us, it really isn’t. It may not be the prevailing view on Abraham Lincoln but sadly it is exactly how some of us sound when we talk about our belief in God and yet have never picked up a Bible. When all people have to go on, for their beliefs is what they remember being taught from the pulpit or from their parents when they were children. The only difference is, when it comes to believing in God, people tend to take the high road so as to not offend anyone or what they might believe so it almost always goes unchallenged.

Still, the same principles should apply. If you wouldn’t listen to an individual about John Wilkes Booth not being the killer of Abraham Lincoln because that person presented no facts and just felt that it wasn’t him, then how could you listen to an individual who chooses to believe in God in their own way, without ever having read a Scripture? The answer is, you can’t. Truth be told there are a great many people who believe in God who have never read the Bible. Yet the Bible informs us that knowing God is the way to eternal life. (John 17:3) And that All Scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching and correcting. (2Timothy 3:16) I would hope that all who love God would take the time to read his word. It is the key to our Salvation! (Psalms 1:2,3) and truly sets us free!! (John 8:32)

But again, this is just one man’s opinion!!

Oh and just so there is no confusion, This is not for people who believe something other than Christianity. I’m not interested in any other form of religion so the Book I will always reference is the Bible.